Women in blockchain is an important topic that we should keep talking about. Recently, many new initiatives are launched to support the female participation in the developing tech field. Among others, you can take a look at the Twitter accounts named ‘Women in blockchain’ or to some interesting articles in Medium.

Why is this so important?

Well, the crypto world is really a men’s world (not that the atomic one is not). Here, the data is tremendously male: 91% of the people dealing with cryptocurrencies and blockchain in any way are men. Research shows that only 5% of the crypto owners are women which means that they possess $550 billion of the global market cap. Certainly not a lot compared to what men have. For the last six year in the blockchain project, only 8.5% of the founding team are women. In short, women are not accepted seriously here, they do not seem to have access to technologies, trading platform and innovation, they are still in the subtle position, even in the 21 century. From my personal experience as a woman, writing for cryptos and blocks every single day, it is an extremely hard business for the female crypto unicorn. We do not even hear their voices, what to say about crypto developments or opinions.

It is crucial to empower women in blockchain. I wish I would not have to explain why since it is so obvious, and it is such a social issue. It is a matter of gender equality, which includes essential factors of life, such as income equality (which we still do not have anywhere around the globe), freedom, social acceptation, human rights, individual self-esteem and the belief that business success is not sex-based.

A new non-profit international organization was created with the intention to work exactly in that direction. It is called CryptoChicks and presents itself to be:

We are a non-profit blockchain educational hub with a mission to grow the professional and leadership potential of women in blockchain technology through education and mentorship. Our events are open to everyone, but we are particularly focused on educating women because we believe that women’s involvement will help blockchain realize its enormous potential as an instrument of positive change in the world.

The goal is, through educational videos, texts, and materials, to help women understand what the heck is this mysterious crypto and blockchain technology. CryptoChicks already have ambassadors in various countries like Russia, Bulgaria, Pakistan, etc. The mailing address is in Canada, though. They organize many events, meetups, and conferences, where women can meet, share thoughts and crypto developments, as well as famous cryptocurrency people and blockchain businessmen.

The latest event, organized by the CryptoChicks and the WomenForBlockchain organization, will take place at the New York University, from 5th to 8th October and will combine a hackathon and a conference. Women developers, entrepreneurs, attorneys, designers and all with blockchain ideas are welcome, the invitation reads. Unfortunately, the application was due to 28th of September, but you still have the chance to go and listen, if in the area. If not, there are many other ways to get involved in the ‘women in blockchain’ movement and help to raise awareness.


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