Bakkt is an exchange platform that serves the U.S. market and aims at mainstream, easy and fast digital assets trading. The company works on the acceptation of the physical Bitcoin futures contracts for quite a while already. Yesterday, October 22nd, Bakkt has finally released the official date of the BTC futures: Wednesday, 12th of December 2018.

Each futures contract calls for delivery of one bitcoin held in the Bakkt Digital Asset Warehouse and will trade in U.S. dollar terms.  One daily contract will be listed for trading each Exchange Business Day,

The press release says.

Bakkt is run by the ICE, Intercontinental Exchange, a Fortune 500 company, which operates on the New York Stock Exchange and governs regulated exchanges and clearing houses around the world.

For the moment, the announcement concerns only U.S. dollars against Bitcoin, but the company plans to include British pounds and Euros soon.

Bitcoin futures contracts will be sold and physically delivered under strict surveillance, the financial institution states. But on the daily contract scheme, there will be no margin trading or leverage options, and no paper claims for real assets cannot be made.

Bakkt operates on the ICE platform, which is regulated by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. The company considers its trading options and financial instruments completely safe and secure.

There is a huge anticipation of the Bitcoin ETFs launch on the financial market. Adoption of that kinds, crypto specialists say, would boost Bitcoin’s price to another astronomical level.

However, the announcement is still pending a regulatory approval.


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