Cryptocurrency exchange giant Coinbase announced today that it expands its international chain with a new office in Dublin, Ireland. The previous European Union hotspot of the company, in London, will stay and function the same way but obviously, it will not be a part of the exchange’s continental network.

Conbaise’s customers increased a lot in 2017, the statement explains, and now the company looks for new locations and new talents to hire. The Dublin office will only compliment the London one and is expected to be a European center for technological innovations and economic developments.

Dublin is a talent hotspot for companies like Coinbase as they scale and internationalize critical businesses operations. We look forward to welcoming Coinbase into the Irish economy and helping them access our talented pool of young professionals from the technology and financial services sectors.

The CEO of IDA Ireland, the country’s inward investment agency, Martin Shanahan said, according to the Coinbase announcement.

Another important figure, Ireland’s Minister for Financial Services and Insurance Michael D’Arcy T.D., also commented the exchange’s step, saying that:

I am delighted that Coinbase is opening an office in Dublin. This decision highlights the competitive offering and attractiveness of Ireland for financial services.

Meanwhile, Reuters’ research on the uncertain Brexit future shows that very few financial positions worldwide are opened by UK-based companies. Most of the existing ones though say they would probably keep their UK headquarters as European centers, even after England leaves the EU.



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