Home Crypto C's Coty de Monteverde: The Woman Leading Blockchain Innovation at Banco Santander

Coty de Monteverde: The Woman Leading Blockchain Innovation at Banco Santander

In an industry where male voices often dominate the conversation, Coty de Monteverde has made a name for herself as one of the most influential figures. As the Head of the Crypto & Blockchain Center of Excellence at Banco Santander and the bank’s Global Blockchain CTO, Coty has spent the last decade pushing the boundaries of what blockchain can achieve in traditional banking. Her work has positioned Banco Santander at the forefront of blockchain innovation, setting new standards for integrating decentralized finance into global financial systems.

Who is Coty de Monteverde, and what inspired her to enter fintech, an industry dominated by men?

Early Life and Education

Coty de Monteverde’s path to fintech began with a strong foundation in engineering. She holds a degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, one of Spain’s leading institutions for technical education. Coty has also studied communication networks and computer systems.

Coty took a gap year and participated in the Erasmus Programme, where she attended the University of Stuttgart in Germany, focusing on communication networks and computer systems. This international experience broadened her perspective. It gave her the technical knowledge that would later form the backbone of her work in blockchain technology.

Career Beginnings

First Steps

After university, Coty joined Deloitte as a strategic consultant. Here, she gained invaluable experience in consulting and technology.

Coty was responsible for conducting a cost audit for a prominent mobile operator and modeling operating processes for a Mobile Virtual Operator. She also developed marketing strategies and designed a data warehouse for both an insurance company and a leading cable operator. Her ambition and curiosity for emerging technologies led her to Banco Santander.

Rise to Prominence

In November 2008, a month after leaving Deloitte, Coty joined Santander Group as a senior consultant. She worked here for five years, rising through the ranks to innovation/Blockchain project manager and later the Head of Crypto and Blockchain Center of Excellence and Global Blockchain CTO.

“I first heard about Bitcoin from my boss (Santander’s Head of R&D) in late 2013, just after joining the Innovation team. He saw the potential application of Blockchain and the Distributed Ledgers to the bank’s products and processes before there was any interest of the bank to even understand it.” Coty de Monteverde in an interview with Meltem Demirrors published in Medium, The Leaders Series.

Coty has successfully executed multiple projects that are now challenging traditional banking. She has spent most of her time in Banco Santander’s Innovation Area, defining new business models and strategic international agreements.

Key Projects and Initiatives

Coty’s career is marked by noteworthy achievements. In 2019, Banco Santander appointed Coty Head of the Crypto & Blockchain Center of Excellence. In 2023, they further recognized her expertise, naming her the bank’s Global Blockchain CTO. Coty is responsible for defining the governing blockchain framework for Santander Group, outlining the rules and best practices necessary to build and DLT-based solution.

 Coty is also the Vice-chairwoman at Alastria Blockchain Ecosystem.

Leadership and Vision

Leadership Style

Her ambition, dedication, and emphasis on teamwork have been instrumental to her success in Banco Santander and fintech as a whole. Coty’s team describes her as a hands-on and innovative leader, unafraid afraid to challenge traditional systems and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

“Coty is a born leader, very hard-working, great communication skills, and supportive with her teammates. Best of all, is her attitude, she does not lose her smile for a second,” says Maria Angeles, who worked on the same team with Coty.

Vision for the Future

Coty believes blockchain will continue to transform traditional banking in greater ways. She hopes to remain at the forefront of this revolution. She believes that blockchain’s potential is only just beginning to be realized. Her vision for the future of decentralized finance is bold. She sees a world where blockchain is seamlessly integrated into every facet of global finance, from consumer banking to complex international transactions.

Personal Insights

Personal Life

Outside of her professional life, Coty leads a balanced and active lifestyle. According to her social media profiles, she enjoys going to the gym to recharge and stay focused. She also has a passion for music and travel. She enjoys spending time with friends—a reflection of her belief in maintaining strong personal connections in both her personal and professional life.

Philanthropy and Values

Coty de Monteverde is also passionate about teaching the world the power and importance of Blockchain. In her LinkedIn profile, she states that her mission is to bring massive adoption of this new technology to the bank and, more widely, to the whole financial sector. Coty has been invited to speak at many Blockchain/Fintech events including the Paris Blockchain Week.

Challenges and Controversies

Obstacles Overcome

While Coty’s rise to leadership has been impressive, it hasn’t been without its challenges. As a woman in a male-dominated industry, she has had to ‘prove’ herself countless times.

Men largely dominate Fintech. With fewer women in leadership positions, it is difficult for other women to see pathways for advancement. Like other industries, fintech has also been accused of implicit bias in hiring and promotion.

Lessons Learned

Her journey has taught her the importance of perseverance, continuous learning, and staying ahead of technological trends. These lessons have shaped her leadership style and continue to inform her approach to innovation.

Future Plans and Industry Impact

Coty has significantly impacted fintech through her work at Banco Santander. Her efforts to bring massive adoption of blockchain could be a game changer for the finance sector. Looking into the future, she is committed to further advancing blockchain technology within banking to enhance the efficiency and transparency of transactions.

Coty de Monteverde’s success is both inspiring and significant. Her role as a leader in such a complex, fast-moving field demonstrates her technical acumen, resilience, and determination. Her journey serves as an example for women who are navigating male-dominated industries. Throughout her career, Coty has consistently broken through barriers, proving that gender is no limitation to leadership in technology.

It also highlights the increasing diversity in fintech leadership and the growing importance of female voices in shaping the future of finance.


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