Foreign crypto exchanges re-enter India after compliance with strict AML rules, offering traders enhanced competition and trading opportunities.

The crypto landscape in India is on the verge of a significant transformation. The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) reviews applications from several foreign crypto exchanges looking to re-enter the market. After earlier regulatory clampdowns banning prominent platforms like Binance and KuCoin, these exchanges have made a return by adhering to India’s rigorous anti-money laundering (AML) laws. Now, four more offshore crypto exchanges are under scrutiny. Their approvals hinge on strict compliance with financial and legal standards, particularly around AML and tax obligations.

A Return After a Regulatory Freeze

India’s approach to cryptocurrency regulation has evolved in recent years, driven by concerns over financial transparency and money laundering risks. In 2023, the FIU cracked down on foreign exchanges. It blocked access to major platforms such as Binance, KuCoin, and OKX for failing to comply with India’s AML regulations under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). These platforms were accused of failing to ensure transaction transparency and were seen as potential vectors for illegal financial activities.

However, the landscape is beginning to change. Binance and KuCoin were among the first to pay significant fines, $2.25 million and $41,000 respectively. They were also required to re-register with the FIU as compliant reporting entities. Their return to the Indian market has set the stage for other exchanges. At least two more exchanges are likely to gain approval by the end of 2025.

Compliance Is Key

The FIU is currently reviewing four additional foreign crypto exchanges, emphasizing compliance as a non-negotiable requirement for market access. The review process involves the evaluation of transaction visibility, suspicious transaction reporting (STR), and tax compliance under India’s Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime. The severe penalties levied on platforms that failed to meet AML standards before their bans underscore the importance of adhering to these regulations. For instance, Binance’s $86 million in unpaid GST dues highlighted the need for foreign exchanges to align fully with India’s tax laws.

With the upcoming approvals, the FIU is making it clear it will only allow exchanges demonstrating total transparency and legal compliance to resume operations in the country. While this process may be arduous for some, it ensures market safety and security for users in India. It reinforces the government’s commitment to maintaining financial integrity.

The Impact on Indian Investors

For Indian crypto enthusiasts, the re-entry of foreign platforms could open the doors to more competitive trading options. It could improve liquidity and access to international products. Binance and KuCoin are already operational again, and the presence of more global exchanges may boost the availability of innovative trading features and possibly reduce fees. India is already recognized as one of the fastest-growing crypto markets globally. These developments could attract more institutional investors, further enhancing the sector’s liquidity.

However, the competition posed by foreign platforms may push domestic exchanges to step up their game, offering better services to remain competitive. This increased pressure may drive innovation within India’s cryptocurrency ecosystem, ultimately benefiting traders through improved platforms and more choices.

Challenges Ahead

Despite the positive outlook, significant challenges remain. Foreign exchanges must ensure compliance with AML laws and also navigate India’s complex tax system. The requirement to register under India’s GST system adds operational complexity, especially for platforms handling large volumes of transactions. Moreover, the FIU has made it clear that any future non-compliance could result in substantial fines or even re-imposed bans.

As the Indian government continues to refine its regulatory framework, foreign exchanges are likely to face continued scrutiny. The goal is to strike a balance between fostering market growth and ensuring that cryptocurrency platforms do not contribute to financial crime.

India’s crypto market stands at a crossroads, with the potential for significant expansion driven by the return of foreign giants like Binance and KuCoin. However, this expansion will be accompanied by heightened regulatory oversight. Only those platforms willing to fully comply with India’s stringent AML, tax, and reporting requirements will be able to operate in the country. For Indian investors, the future promises broader access to international markets and trading innovations, but only on a foundation of strict compliance.

The FIU’s cautious but open stance toward foreign exchanges underscores India’s commitment to growing its crypto market while safeguarding its financial system from potential risks. The message is clear: India is open for business, but only if you play by the rules.

Readers’ frequently asked questions

Why is India so strict about anti-money laundering (AML) compliance for crypto exchanges?

India’s strict approach to AML compliance stems from the government’s efforts to safeguard its financial system from the risks associated with cryptocurrencies, particularly their potential use for money laundering and terrorism financing. The government, through its Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), enacted regulations to ensure that all crypto platforms operating in India adhere to global standards of transparency. The Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) forms the legal backbone for these efforts. Under this law, exchanges are required to report suspicious transactions and ensure full visibility over their activities. This regulatory tightening mirrors global concerns about the illicit use of cryptocurrencies. Historically, they are perceived as opaque financial instruments. For India, ensuring compliance with AML laws is a way to prevent these risks while still allowing the market to grow​.

What challenges do foreign exchanges face in re-entering the Indian market?

Foreign exchanges looking to re-enter the market face significant regulatory challenges. Most prominently, they must comply with AML laws and tax obligations. The FIU made it clear that platforms must fully comply with India’s AML laws. These involve stringent transaction transparency requirements, reporting of suspicious transactions, and adherence to other regulatory checks. Additionally, foreign exchanges must navigate India’s Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime. It requires them to account for taxes on crypto transaction fees collected from users in India. Binance’s hefty fines for unpaid GST dues, amounting to $86 million, illustrate the financial risk for non-compliant platforms​. Furthermore, they risk being banned or heavily penalized, as India maintains a zero-tolerance policy for financial misconduct​.

What benefits will Indian crypto users experience if more foreign exchanges are approved?

If more foreign exchanges are approved, Indian crypto users stand to benefit from greater market diversity and access to advanced trading tools. The presence of foreign players like Binance and KuCoin, and potentially more in the future, will increase competition in the market. That should drive down fees and improve liquidity. Indian users could also access a wider range of digital assets and trading features unavailable on domestic platforms. Additionally, competition between international and domestic exchanges is likely to push all platforms to improve their user experience, reduce transaction costs, and offer more innovative services​. For investors and traders, this means more opportunities to diversify portfolios and engage with global markets, all within a compliant, regulated framework that prioritizes financial security.

What Is In It For You? Action Items You Might Want to Consider

Stay Informed on Compliance Requirements

As the Indian crypto market evolves, traders should stay up-to-date with the latest compliance and regulatory changes. India’s FIU is taking a strict approach, and only fully compliant foreign exchanges will be allowed to operate. Make sure the platform you are using or considering for future trading is compliant with India’s anti-money laundering (AML) rules and tax regulations. Non-compliant exchanges may face bans, and your funds could be at risk if the platform gets sanctioned.

Diversify Your Exchange Options

Binance and KuCoin are already back in the Indian market. More offshore platforms await their approval by 2025. It’s an excellent opportunity to explore new trading platforms. Consider diversifying the exchanges you use to gain access to unique features, trading pairs, and liquidity from global markets. Keep an eye on the FIU’s approval process for additional exchanges. This could introduce more competitive fee structures and trading opportunities​.

Monitor Market Conditions for Lower Fees and Enhanced Liquidity

As more foreign exchanges re-enter the market, the increased competition in India could lead to lower crypto transaction fees and improved liquidity. That would benefit traders looking to maximize their profits. Stay alert to any announcements regarding the approval of new exchanges. These developments could influence your trading strategy by offering better spreads, advanced tools, and enhanced market conditions​.


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