Big news for crypto traders and lovers!

Interstellar, the company behind the Stellar coin XLM, stated in June that prepares a new, totally free cryptocurrency exchange. On Friday, 28th of September, Christian, the co-creator of StellarX published an announcement on the Stellar blog with the sounding name of “How StellarX Will Take Over The World”. Yes, quite ambitious, isn’t it?

In fact, StellarX’s goals are not modest at all. The exchange is announced to be the first absolutely free crypto exchange with no fees for both the traders and the coin issuers.

Using StellarX […] costs you nothing. We take no fees and, even above that, we refund all network costs, something no other decentralized exchange can match. All the while, you have sole control over your assets, so whenever there’s interest, it’s yours. We’ve even written our own fee out of our agreements with deposit partners, who, we’ve found, often put in a percentage by default.

The text reads and confirms that there will be absolutely no fees because the company supports idealistic beliefs, instead of purely commercial and capitalistic ones:

We aren’t here for a cut. We’re here to redefine how assets move around the world.

The announcement feels like a manifesto of the new technologies which would totally change the money game.

User-friendly interface, flexibility and a rich choice of currencies, are the other features StellarX is proud to present. The exchange strives to be a top fiat to cryptocurrencies trading platform, offering a variety of both types. StellarX is thought to be an open-source, decentralized marketplace and the website says ‘there could be literally any tokens here’ – the only requirement is to have 10 holders, one bid and one ask.

A screenshot of the cryptocurrency exchange StellarX
Photo from the original blog post on

The exchange wants to make the processes faster as suspending the banks’ participation in the transactions. In StellarX you can directly deposit funds from bank accounts and financial institutions. For now, the exchange already offers many currencies like Euros, Philippine Pesos, Nigerian Naira, Chinese Yuan, Hong Kong Dollar, and the British Pound but the firm states that they wish to move even to forex coins, stocks, bonds, real estate and commodities.

The exchange strives for full transparency for traders and issuers and promises to become the world’s number one universal platform because ‘newer and more interesting types of assets get digitized’. The StellarX creators are sincere that the marketplace is not fully developed yet and assure us in its improvement. At the end of the blog announcement, there is a list of future improvements among which a night mode, a mobile version, fungible path-payment support and a self-serve platform for issuers to submit more token detail. The market maker rewards program is blasted to start as soon as the next month. Very crypto promising, indeed!

Meanwhile, Stellar Lumens XLM keeps the rank of top 6th coin in the cryptocurrency world, according to the Coinmarketcap. Its price holds the range of $ 0.25 to $ 0.26 USD, but bullish predictions say it will catch a momentum very soon. If it breaks the $ 0.27 mark of resistance, a kind of mooning is expected, crypto experts say.


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